Tuesday 5 June 2012

Launch is Approaching

(published on website April, 2012)...
Easter is upon us, and I have no idea where the year has gone so far. I am probably like most people trying to come to terms with this galloping of time.

We at Urban Rags are hard at work getting ready for our Launch which is on the 4th of May. We’re very excited – not only with showing our unique one-off garments, but with demonstrating what can be achieved when we take gently used clothing and turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Imagine if you can, taking your own clothing that has been hiding in your closet for goodness knows how long, and being able to turn it into wearable art. You can you know. You are more creative than you realise.

We all have a hidden talent. We are, as Urban Rags clothing is, “Absolutely Unique and One Of a Kind”. Our workshops are a testament to this. People come and spend a day with us, and leave with a sense of achievement.

I would like to leave you with this one thought –-- “You are engineered for success and endowed with the seeds of greatness.”

Yours in Upcycling,


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