Wednesday 20 June 2012

Decisions, Decisions...

Here we are back in Business…
I don’t want you to get tired of hearing the same thing over and over, but I do want you to get Education and Leverage as they are not just good ideas, they are the foundation for whether you make money or just create a living.
I am not telling you something that I don’t follow myself. Let’s go back to Urban Rags.
When I started Urban Rags I had always recycled. I owned a paper recycling business some twenty years ago – hard work – and for most people back then, a new concept… forward to Urban Rags. In the beginning, I created one-off unique garments from gently used clothing.
A number of people brought them to me, some I gave away for birthdays etc. People around me used to say, “Why don’t you sell these?” That didn’t appeal to me as retail is hard work, unpredictable and not duplicatable. I couldn’t see how I could apply education and leverage to this model.
I want to keep going with my explanation but this is a blog not a tome…Talk to you soon.
Yours in Upcycling

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